Pay one simple fee every month or year. No hidden costs. No contract. Cancel anytime.
Not ready to join yet? We also offer individual services on a case-by-case basis to non-members.
Save 10% when you sign up annually. >
Unlimited Medical Consultations
Low-to-No Wait Times
Biometric Monitoring & Supplies
Regular On-Site Lab Tests
3D Body Scanning
Medication Optimizations
Timely Prior Authorizations
Quick Prescription Refills
Grocery Tours
Nutrition & Meal Planning
Telehealth & Remote Options
Extended Hours
Care Concierge
Updates to Loved Ones
Pay as you go for each service, however often you want. Subject to availability at each location.
Reach7 Screening
25 min
Stay proactive about your health with our Reach7 Diabetes, Pre-Diabetes, Hypertension, and BMI Screening, conducted in a comprehensive consultation with our Medical Specialist.
With just a quick finger prick to obtain a drop of blood, you will receive fast and accurate results to assess your current risk for diabetes. We will perform a brief medical exam, review your readings, and suggest options to help you start your journey toward achieving your health goals, whether you choose to work with us or not.
This screening is recommended quarterly for patients with diabetes and at least annually for all other patients.
Specialty Visit
40 min
Schedule a consultation with our Medical Specialist for personalized guidance and support for any of the following medical conditions.
During the visit, you will receive a Reach7 Screening, a thorough medical exam, a review of your biometric data, a discussion about your current lifestyle and any challenges you may be facing, and the development of a personalized treatment plan tailored to you and your lifestyle.
Diet & Nutrition Counseling
55 min
Meet with our Registered Dietitian & Nutritionist to receive personalized guidance and support for your health goals.
The consultation includes review of your current dietary habits, discussion about any struggles you may be having, enhancing your knowledge about your macros, and development of a personalized medical nutrition therapy treatment plan.
3D Body Scan
$49.00 per scan
15 min
$159.00 for 4 scans
Receive a 3D photo-realistic analysis of your body that captures your true appearance from all angles. Instantly visualize your progress, track changes in areas that matter to you, and identify your next focus. Your scan will provide multiple measurements, including lean muscle mass, circumferences, and volumes of various cross-sections of your entire body.
Frequently asked questions.
Can't find what you're looking for? Don't hesitate to swing by any of our locations for a quick tour or give us a phone call during our hours.